Acid washing service

When it comes to pool and spa maintenance, acid washing is something often mentioned but not always clearly understood. An acid wash is the process of removing mineral deposits and surface stains from the bottom and sides of your pool. In the process, a thin layer of the pool or spa interior’s surface is also removed. When finished, the acid washing process gives your pool a fresh, clean look. It typically restores about 70-80 percent of your pool's original brightness.

We don't recommend for pool or spa owners to acid wash surfaces on their own. Reasons include potential dangers with the steps and materials involved. Our service technicians are thoroughly trained to safely drain your pool, and they're familiar with the proper steps for washing all pool surfaces.

As for the safety of your pool's surface, it's important to consult a pool professional. Because acid washing removes a thin layer of your pool's surface, there is a limit on how many times a pool can be acid washed before a complete restoration is required. That said, we highly recommend taking good care of your pool with regular maintenance to keep surface stains and scale to a minimum. Your maintenance program should include monthly additions of a chelating and sequestering agent, such as Stain & Scale Prevent, to stop metal stains and mineral deposits from forming.

Our professionally trained and certified service technicians will ensure that your next acid wash is performed safely and correctly.

Our professionally trained and certified service technicians will ensure that your next acid wash is performed safely and correctly. As mentioned earlier, acid washing is an extremely labor intensive project, and it removes a thin layer of your pool surface each time it's done. We recommend sticking to a regular pool maintenance program to avoid needing to acid wash your pool in the first place, but we can help you through the process if the need ever arises.

For more information on proper pool care, or to learn more about acid washing, call CFMS, or fill out our convenient online form. We'll help you schedule one of our trained professional service technicians to complete the task for you.

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